Friday, January 05, 2007

Quick Hits To Fill You Up...

Boy, is there a lot to say about a lot of things and that is prior to embarking on the Weekend of Playoff Madness that is about to descend upon us like a Russian rocket in Denver. There has been a lot of interesting that happened this week, some of which were isolated events that require my stamp of an opinion, others have been just the culmination of a season of fineness. We could do bullet points here for brevity, so let’s do this revival of the Quick hits, morning extended style...

*Darrent Williams was shot and killed as he celebrated the Donks exit from the playoffs at Kenyon Martin’s (Denver Nugget) birthday party on New Year’s Eve. There has been a lot of do gooder speak this week by people wielding keyboards recklessly about how he should not have been in the club, associating with questionable folk and that this partially contributed to his demise at the age of 24. As a once proud and ludicrously naïve and stupid 24 year old, I too would hit da club on the eve of the New Year. Had I been a millionaire then, it would have been significantly worse in terms of showing good judgment. The idea that a young professional athlete, after getting boinked from the playoffs shouldn’t be out with his buddies blowing off some steam and celebrating is preposterous. Get off your high horse people with loud voices and forums for expressing your dissenting opinion with regard to real life. If you were more than financially stable at 24 on New Year’s Eve you’d have been out doing the Macarena with the masses slugging your Zima as well.

*I’ve been accused of being unnecessarily harsh on the older of the two Manning tards of late. During a phone conversation, it was expressed that Ms. Peyton may in fact be a good quarterback, possibly one of the best statistically to ever play the game when his career is over. I took a moment to reflect on that statement and realized that may in fact become truth. He is a quality quarterback, of that there can be no argument. It took Elway and Farve a very long time to go and get their Lombardi Metal, although the Marino and the Kelly never did. Those three (save Buffalo’s leader) also had many fewer opportunities than has the older Manning to date. On the big stage as everyone knows, he has fallen short. Statistics are great, but I’d rather have a lukewarm statistical measure and three trophies than all the numbers in the world. Perhaps in championship games, older Manning shouldn’t throw three interceptions and still be credited with being elite. I think that ultimately a trophy may be awarded to said Manning some day, although I do believe that window is closing quickly. Oh, and he’s still a b*tch, ditto to little brother and the Dad I’ll credit with their birth and nothing more

*The playoffs are on the brink of being upon us and I’m giddy. I’ve been searching for an alternate word, yet giddy with the anticipation of a Lombardi Metal Paperweight just about covers it perfectly. And, as it stands, this poor prognosticator believes it will be a whack fest of a couple of weeks. Teams that are supposed to win won’t, and I for one will be reserving all of my gambling acumen for the Big Show. Throw darts at a board until the late rounds for your picks cause we’re going for a ride and it will be wild. My Picks for the Wildcard Madness:
Seahawks -3 (I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose this no matter who I pick.)
Indy -6.5 ( I hate this pick, but, I’m not sold on the Squaws defense at all. They couldn’t cover a dead kitten with a bucket of paint)
J-E-T-S +8.5 (I’m not sold on the Pats, and I’m just taking points here, New England by a field goal.)
Eli’s Vag +6.5 (Another field goal game. If I’m wrong, I give you permission to take away my porn for a week)

*TBE was nearly unanimously voted MVP. As congratulated by everyone here, I know that it is a great accomplishment and honor. He truly had a memorable year. As mentioned many times and seconded by LTD himself, the season trophy is great, yet it will diminish in value without the Lombardi next to it. LTD would agree with me.

*Speaking of said MVP trophy, there must be a Haley’s comet coming soon or a blue moon or even a chupacabra sighting, because Nick Canepa and I agree on something. I had this conversation yesterday, and Nick’s article flowed forth today. LTD was nearly unanimously voted for the honor (44 first place votes), with a few token votes going to our former Quarterbacker (4) and inexplicably two first place votes for aforementioned Girl Peyton. I can understand giving our Ex some votes, he truly had a fantastic year and it was quite unexpected. Frankly I thought he’d garner more of LTD’s righteous votes. But, tallys for Manning? What the fuc....? Who are these people? If you aren’t giving TBE the nod, I understand, there was another logical choice, but just to waste shots on Manning, who wasn’t even arguably the best quarterback this season. Those voters should be publicly identified and given the Jesus treatment.

That’s it for the morning version, I’ll have the afternoon session later today...

Go Bolts!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it to be accurate to say that it took Favre a long time to get his Trophy. He was in the league for maybe six years before he won the superbowl and he has played eight more years since. Steve Young on the other hand seems to be more fitting. I know I am splitting hairs, because I do get your point, I just don't put Favre in the Manning, Marino, Elway, Young, Tarkentan, Kelly category.

Maximum Colossus said...

Why don't you marry Favre and have like 10,000 of his babies, blogust?

Anonymous said...

You mean you wont be mad?

CJ said...

Well, Mr. Favre won it at the end of his seventh season, went one time since (the very next year and lost) and is been receiving media fellatio for the entirety of his 16 year career.

Steve Young won it at the end of his 10th year. Next time I post something I'll run my example past you and make sure it's fits your criteria of accuracy.

Peyton is currently finishing his 9th season. I'd say we're pretty close to the same ballpark nitpicker.

Anonymous said...

Manning will have to wait for season #10 since Rivers will be getting it this year.

Maximum Colossus said...

Nitpicker?! On behalf of all the people out there who pick nits in order to provide for their families only to have you demean them by using their vocation as a putdown, fuck you!

CJ said...

You have nothing better to do today than read your own words do you? And I'm quite positive you are screaming them at your monitor while typing as you are a narcissist with your own voice.


Maximum Colossus said...

Gesundheit, Godless heathen!

Anonymous said...

Assdouche. What is that, Buttwiper?

Anonymous said...

I the essential point here.You gnome,word Foto

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