Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Congratulations Tony Gwynn!

First ballot Hall-of-Famer!!!

Quite possibly the greatest athlete San Diego has ever known.


CJ said...

Congratulations Tony "Hitting Clinic" Gwynn, or "God" as I called him for years. With 97.2% or 532 Votes. Pretty unanimous. And if it weren't for that ultradick in Chicago, Jim Ledewski abstaining from voting, he'd have gotten one more.

The question is should Ledewski have his voting priviledges suspended or revoked for not placing a vote? Not voting equals a no vote across the board. He did this in protest and stated that he'd never vote for anyone who played in the "steroid era".

His abstinence takes away from his character in my opinion and shifts the attention from the players and issues to Mr. Jim, baseball writer, who chose to focus the looking glass on himself selfishly. I'm pissed off. He can fuck himself up a flag pole.

Maximum Colossus said...

Well, he is from Chicago.

CJ said...

Sorry, I fucked up the fuckwipe's name. I guess it's Paul Shitbaggingfucker.

Anonymous said...

Please remove that picture of the turd in the toilet. I can't scroll down without getting grossed out.

Maximum Colossus said...

Right? It was totally groosing me out too! And I posted it! I put something a bit more cuddly up there for you.

Anonymous said...

That is cuddlier

Diego Jimbone said...

"I can't scroll down without getting grossed out."

Yeah I was having that same problem. All grossed out looking at that post. But now that the poo has been removed, I realize it was the shirtless She-li pic that was doing it.

Maximum Colossus said...

Haunting, isn't it?

CJ said...

Since we're editing photos, don't you think it's a better idea to have a pic of "the greatest athlete San Diego has ever known" when he weighed less than a quarter ton?

Anonymous said...

Hall of Fame Hall of Shame

Maximum Colossus said...

Hey CJ, you can post whatever picture you want. That's the Tony I know and love. I'd be happy to post a picture of Derek Jeter for you, if you need something to masturbate to, though.