An important aspect to winning the war is to try to establish good will as much as possible with the people of Iraq. A susbtantial portion of the population appreciates the efforts of our soldiers and are happy to live without the restrictions placed on the by Saddam Hussein. Taking pictures with Iraqi civilians should be understood and praised, not ridiculed.
Um, glad our soldier can find the time to pose for this pic. Why haven't we won this war yet? oh right... cuz we're busy not fighting...
An important aspect to winning the war is to try to establish good will as much as possible with the people of Iraq. A susbtantial portion of the population appreciates the efforts of our soldiers and are happy to live without the restrictions placed on the by Saddam Hussein. Taking pictures with Iraqi civilians should be understood and praised, not ridiculed.
hey anonymous at 830am.. you are an idiot!
Ease up ass. The photo comes from an Autogenerated sign making web site.
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