Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Little Somethin'

This is pretty long, but it should get you good and fired up for this Sunday and be a nice reminder of what happened last time we were road dogs in the playoffs. Try not to get a lump in your throat.

Udpated to say the NFL can suck it for their copywrite bullshit! The clip was 10:00 of highlights from the Chargers beating Pitt in the AFC Championship game. Started with Pupunu's TD and ended with Gibson's game saving pass defense.

God, I loved that team!


Diego Jimbone said...

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the National Football League"


It's ok... if you need any motivation to get fired up for this Sunday, then maybe you're not in the right profession! (ok I'm not in the profession, but yeah I'm fired up. Very much so.)

Diego Jimbone said...

Ok I know I said I don't need any motivation to fire up, but in case you want to relive the last meeting between the Bolts and Colts, here are some highlights (at least until the NFL gets this one removed too):¤t=Colts07-1.flv